Macroregional strategies: an approach to connect the national and regional innovation strategies

  • Али Файсал Мааруф National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
  • Елена Николаевна Дуненкова State University of Management
Keywords: macroregional strategies, national innovation system, regional innovation system, EUSBSR, spatial development strategy of RF


Purpose: studying the experience of developing and implementing European Macro-regional Strategies (MRS) and their impact on the innovative development of regions in order to assess the possibility of applying this experience in the Russian Federation. Discussion: implementation of European MRS contribute to solving the problem of innovative development of regions in EU and the neighboring countries through their joint development based on inter-regional cooperation. Positive effects are achieved by implementing MRS in the form of regional development, alignment the development level, strengthening regional cooperation, increasing the competitiveness and innovative potential of the regions by supporting entrepreneurship and developing business and science. Russia has similar problems, and comprehensive study and adaptation of international experience will allow to solve these problems. Results: the results of the implementation of MRS are evaluated using the example of the strategy of the Baltic Sea region. The possibilities, and conditions to implement such strategies at the national level are systematized. This allow to effectively use the international experience in the Russian Federation in the framework of the Spatial Development Strategy.


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How to Cite
Мааруф , А. Ф., & Дуненкова, Е. Н. (2020). Macroregional strategies: an approach to connect the national and regional innovation strategies. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 128-147.
Regional Economics