Analysis of the effectiveness of state support measures for regional passenger air transport in the Russian Federation

  • Владимир Владимирович Рублев Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Keywords: air transportation market, regional air traffic, air transportation subsidies, Russian airlines, state support measures


Purpose: the fundamental goal of this research is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of state support measures aimed at developing the regional passenger air service system in the Russian Federation. Discussion: the measure of state support is expressed in the implementation of subsidies to air carriers operating regional flights included in the structure of the program. Airlines are able to reduce the risks associated with low flight load. Compensation is made for the difference between the market price of the ticket and the discount price, and the amount of compensation allowed to the air carrier based on the distance of the route is indicated. Results: the result of the study is the conclusion on the effectiveness of the measures taken and implemented to support the development of regional air traffic. The passenger air transport market is an indicator of the growth and development of the national economic system. By developing the system of regional passenger flights, the state contributes to the development of business and socio-cultural ties.


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How to Cite
Рублев, В. В. (2020). Analysis of the effectiveness of state support measures for regional passenger air transport in the Russian Federation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 161-177.
Regional Economics