Anti-crisis support for small and medium-sized businesses during the coronavirus pandemic and in the future

  • Галина Николаевна Франовская Voronezh State University
  • Александр Юрьевич Долматович Voronezh State University
Keywords: small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurship, support for small and medium-sized businesses, coronavirus pandemic, anti-crisis programs and activities


Purpose: аnalysis of foreign and Russian anti-crisis programs to support small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Discussion: systematization and structuring of existing support programs for the most affected areas of activity in small and medium-sized businesses in China, USA, Great Britain and Russia. Currently, all the documents analyzed, reflecting support measures for small and medium-sized businesses, emphasize the provision of financial preferences: budget loans and guarantees, subsidies; Deferred payment of taxes and other mandatory payments. Particular attention is paid to support the payment of salaries to employees of firms. These measures are predominantly of a «supportive» nature. In the analyzed documents, it was not possible to establish forms of support for small businesses related to the need to change the profile of activities of many enterprises during the «post-pandemic» period. Results: the most relevant forms of support of small and medium business in Russia in the medium-term plan during the «post-pandemic» period are offered.


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How to Cite
Франовская, Г. Н., & Долматович, А. Ю. (2020). Anti-crisis support for small and medium-sized businesses during the coronavirus pandemic and in the future. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 178-186.
Regional Economics