Web-service for organizing privatly-operated transportation as a way to reduce traffic intensity

  • Дина Николаевна Савинская Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Паризат Ахматовна Кочкарова North Caucasian State Academy
  • Лада Константиновна Дунская Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Keywords: transport logistics, road traffic, applications, cargo transportation


Purpose: the article deals with the issue of unloading road traffic between cities and internal communication routes by organizing combined transportations for incoming private and commercial requests for transportation by a transport driver in accordance with possible restrictions on weight and dimensions in the cargo compartment. Discussion: аccording to the described research goals, the authors proposed to put into operation a service for submitting applications for private transportation. Results: the result of the research is a developed web service that allows you to relieve road traffic by providing services to private clients for transportation. This development is also useful for companies themselves, as it addresses the issues of minimizing the downtime of freight transport due to the lack of orders for cargo transportation from large customers or the absence of large orders.


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How to Cite
Савинская, Д. Н., Кочкарова, П. А., & Дунская, Л. К. (2020). Web-service for organizing privatly-operated transportation as a way to reduce traffic intensity. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 103-113. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.9/2433