Management cost accounting and product cost calculation for manufacturing business processes

  • Елизавета Андреевна Медведева Stavropol State Agrarian University
Keywords: process activities, procurement, production, sales, management accounting accounts, financial results


Purpose: the activity of economic entities is the implementation of many interrelated business processes, each of which is necessary for the full functioning of the organization. Separating business processes into separate cost accounting objects will allow you to generate the cost of a number of ongoing activities that have similar goals and results. There are a significant number of theoretical developments and practical experience in the domestic economic sphere that reveal the essence and significance of calculating the cost of individual business processes, however, the issue of forming an information base for the implementation of these procedures remains insufficiently developed, and therefore it can be considered relevant to conduct a study aimed at developing accounting support for the cost of implementing individual business processes of economic entities Justification of the relevance of the organization of management accounting of manufacturing costs for business processes, the formation of a system of accounting support for cost accounting, cost calculation and financial results within the Autonomous management accounting system in relation to the specifics of economic entities that design and manufacture boilers for central and autonomous heating. Discussion: in the process of studying the mechanism of functioning of the management accounting system in General and cost accounts in particular, methods of logical, statistical analysis, General scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, and others), as well as elements of the accounting method: assessment, calculation, double entry were used. Results: the article presents a system of management cost accounting in process- oriented structures, including objects, subjects, subject, tasks, tools, accounting and analytical, functions, and results. A system of accounts for management accounting of costs for the implementation of business processes, calculating the business cost and determining the financial result of manufacturing industries has been developed. The key task of all organizations, regardless of the volume, type of activity and form of ownership, which aims to maximize profits, is to spend resources in proportion to the importance of the processes carried out. Monitoring the cost-intensity of all business processes implemented in an economic entity contributes to the formation of objective information support for making effective management decisions by the organization's management.


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How to Cite
Медведева, Е. А. (2020). Management cost accounting and product cost calculation for manufacturing business processes. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 122-133.