«Economic» category in reporting in the field of sustainable development

  • Яна Николаевна Недомолкина Voronezh State University
Keywords: financial and non-financial reporting, sustainable development, economic reporting category, aspects of reporting in the field of sustainable development, strategic accounting


Purpose: in order to identify sources of information support for the disclosure of data on the category «Economic» reporting in the field of sustainable development, to study the Guidelines for reporting in the field of sustainable development GRI [7]. Discussion: one of the categories of reporting in the field of sustainable development is economic, which includes aspects containing a number of indicators. As part of the disclosure of information in the «Economic» category, it is necessary to analyze its impact on the economic condition of its stakeholders and on economic systems at the local, regional and global levels. The report reveals capital flows between various stakeholders, as well as the main economic impact of the organization on the whole society. According to the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the regulatory framework for disclosing the required indicators includes the relevant IFRS and Interpretations of standards published by the Council for International Financial Reporting Standards; national or regional standards applied in several countries for the preparation of financial statements. The Guide does not provide a precise indication of the source of information support for the aspects recommended for disclosure. It is specified that when preparing the required information on economic indicators, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the numbers of the organization's financial statements audited by auditors, if possible, or with the data of its management accounting verified by its own specialists. It is assumed that the category «Economic» reporting in the field of sustainable development can be provided with information from strategic accounting data, in connection with which it is necessary to establish the requirements of the instructions for the formation of GRI reporting. Results: information of financial and non-financial reporting, revealing the impact of an organization on the economic condition of its stakeholders and on economic systems at the local, regional and global levels, allows stakeholders to evaluate the activities of an economic entity and make informed economic decisions. At the same time, the conducted research testifies to the significant information needs of the GRI Reporting regarding strategic accounting data.


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How to Cite
Недомолкина, Я. Н. (2020). «Economic» category in reporting in the field of sustainable development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 134-146. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.9/2436