The system of strategic goals as the core of modernization of socio- economic policy in the context of digitalization of the economy

  • Роман Владимирович Фомин Belgorod State National Research University
Keywords: region, goal, policy, modernization, digitalization


Purpose: the author develops an applied tool for modernizing regional socio-economic policy in the context of Russian economy digitalization. Discussion: modern transformations form a qualitatively new context for the development of regional socio-economic policy, creating the need for its modernization with a focus on supporting processes that ensure the global competitiveness of territorial economic systems, including the digitalization of the Russian economy. The choice of specific areas of application development tools for the modernization of regional socio-economic policy in the context of digitalization due to the particularly urgent need tool support for the formation of a qualitatively new kernel policy adequate to the challenges of contemporary transformations. Results: the author has been developed a system of strategic goals, which is the Central link (core) of the modernization process for regional socio-economic policy in the context of Russian economy digitalization.


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How to Cite
Фомин, Р. В. (2020). The system of strategic goals as the core of modernization of socio- economic policy in the context of digitalization of the economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 157-167.
Regional Economics