Adaptation of mathematical methods and models of fractal analysis to the study of aggregated ecomic time series of insurance company data

  • Ксения Александровна Ковалева Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Альфира Менлигуловна Кумратова Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Любовь Анатольевна Чикатуева Rostov State University of Economics
  • Игорь Иванович Василенко Kuban State Agrarian University
Keywords: insurance company, statistical indicators, pre-forecast analysis, R/S-analysis, risk criteria


Purpose: this article offers a comprehensive approach to forecasting the insurance market based on the joint use of both classical and new «nonlinear» statistics. Discussion: the methods proposed and tested by the authors are presented as a multi-criteria (two-criteria) mathematical model for assessing the trend stability of insurance time series. As the first criterion, the authors proposed an indicator that reflects the memory depth of a time series in the form of a fuzzy set, obtained on the basis of R/S analysis, and the second criterion is the Hurst indicator. Results: using a two-criteria approach to assessing the trend stability of time series allows you to differentiate them by the indicator of trend stability and select working forecast models.


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How to Cite
Ковалева, К. А., Кумратова, А. М., Чикатуева, Л. А., & Василенко, И. И. (2020). Adaptation of mathematical methods and models of fractal analysis to the study of aggregated ecomic time series of insurance company data. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 45-54.
Mathematical Methods in Economics