Projects and priorities

  • Рафаил Арифович Иманов The Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
  • Вячеслав Валентинович Овсиенко The Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science
Keywords: national projects, priorities, efficiency, economic growth, programmes, budget, incentive and implementation mechanisms, programs, economic potential


Purpose: analysis of the situation with the implementation of national priority projects and the reasons for the unsatisfactory condition of this process at the current stage. Proposals for the methodology for the development and implementation of large-scale economic projects. Discussion: the research aims to briefly examine the situation that occurs on the implementation phase of national priority projects – the level of administration of planned spending (and, therefore, the degree of achievement of the goals set forth) for 2019 and 2020, as well as the presentation of some projected forecasts of the impact of their implementation on general economic indicators such as economic growth, personal income and some others. The reasons for the сcurrent unfavorable situation in the execution of costs lie in the area of shortcomings in the methodological support of the coordination process, in particular, creation of effective mechanisms for the interest of potential and desirable project participants from the outside, giving them certain preferences. This mechanism shall be in place before the start of work on projects. Indeed, after the collapse of the USSR, this is a major nationwide project, and there was no experience of implementation of such large – scale projects. However, our country possesses experience and capacity in terms of the methodology of approach to the development of large-scale projects. We are talking about work carried out in the late eighties, early nineties. In 1990-1991 CEMI RAS (at that time – CEMI of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) played the leading role in development and substantiation of methodological principles for the selection of priority areas (PNNTP) and mechanisms for their implementation as one of the forms of implementing state policy in the field of scientific and technological development management. Results: the methodological groundwork that was created in the 90s and not used has not lost its relevance. Since the development of the last KP NTP and NP NTP, about 30 years have passed. it seems That before planning major economic events, it is time to again carry out a fundamental, large-scale inventory of the state and all the economic potential that has developed to date using the methodological developments of those years. The legal basis may be the law on strategic planning of 28.06.2014.


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How to Cite
Иманов, Р. А., & Овсиенко, В. В. (2020). Projects and priorities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 102-111.