Economic analysis of living standards at the regional level

  • Анна Александровна Федченко Voronezh State University
  • Татьяна Алексеевна Пожидаева Voronezh State University
  • Наталья Олеговна Масленникова Voronezh State University
Keywords: quality of life, indicators, economic analysis, digitalization, management decisions


Purpose: to identify the features of conducting and using the results of economic analysis of living standards as a tool for justifying management decisions at the regional level. Discussion: the authors highlight modern features of socio-economic development, which prove the need to study the living standards in the context of digitalization and deepening international cooperation through economic analysis. The article shows the aggravation of problems of material well-being of the population in the context of pandemia. Results: the authors grouped the main key indicators of living standards which made it possible to compare the totality of indicators recommended at the regional level and proposed by the Organization for economic cooperation and development. The article focusses attention on modern technological processes that are actively developing in the context of digital transformation of the economy and society. It also recommends to monitor indicators that characterize the innovative activity of organizations, as well as reflect the share of innovative goods, works, and services in their total volume. The use of indicators identified as a result of economic analysis of the quality of life of the population is aimed at increasing the degree of validity of management decisions at the regional level.


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How to Cite
Федченко, А. А., Пожидаева, Т. А., & Масленникова, Н. О. (2020). Economic analysis of living standards at the regional level. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 135-143.