Humanitarian cooperation and corporate social responsibility as factors of expanding the economic presence of Russia on the African continent in the conditions of international competition

  • Kirill A. Aleshin Institute for African Studies
Keywords: Africa, Russia, Rossotrudnichestvo, humanitarian policy, international development assistance, IDA, corporate social responsibility, CSR, coronavirus, COVID-19, export, investment, international competition


Purpose: the article aims to assess the possibility of expanding Russian- African economic cooperation by intensifying the humanitarian activities of the Russian Federation (government and business structures) in Africa. Discussion: the author describes the state of Russian humanitarian activity and considers projects of corporate social responsibility of the Russian business in Africa. In the context of changing the corporate structure and updating the activity plan of Rossotrudnichestvo, the relevant foreign experience has been analyzed. Results: the author comes to the conclusion that African countries need assistance from Russia to solve acute socio-economic problems, to combat various diseases, and the consequences of climate change. It is necessary to continue the ongoing work on improving the effectiveness of humanitarian activities and synchronize the efforts of Russian authorities and business, which will have a positive impact both on strengthening the national economy of African states and on expanding the presence of Russian business structures on the continent. The author also concludes that in the future Rossotrudnichestvo may become one of the key institutions to support the exporters and investors.


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How to Cite
Aleshin, K. A. (2020). Humanitarian cooperation and corporate social responsibility as factors of expanding the economic presence of Russia on the African continent in the conditions of international competition. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 8-18.
International Economics