To the question of the key skills of T-Shaped a marketing specialist

  • Yaroslav B. Lavrinenko Voronezh State Technical University
  • Viktoriya I. Tinyakova State University of Management
Keywords: marketing, marketer, skills, hard skills, soft skills, data marketer, T-shaped


Purpose: to determine the set of key skills that a T-shaped marketer should possess. Discussion: modern marketing requires specialists to have a wide range of knowledge along with deep skills in one or more areas. Using the principles of trust, facts, and truth, and relying on the values of sincerity marketing (transparency, responsibility, fairness, and honesty), the marketer increases their effectiveness. The effective solution of this problem is facilitated by the presence of certain professional and supra-professional skills in the marketer. The development of the digital environment challenges marketers, requiring them to have programming skills. In the context of multitasking, multi-vector development of the company and the need for constant adaptation to changing conditions, the demand for T-shaped marketers is updated. Results: the concept of a T-shared marketer who has basic and basic knowledge in all areas of marketing, and in – depth knowledge in one or more, which allows him to effectively interact with all other specialists in the field of marketing, increasing the overall performance of the company.


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How to Cite
Lavrinenko, Y. B., & Tinyakova, V. I. (2020). To the question of the key skills of T-Shaped a marketing specialist. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 112-123.