Application of the index method of factor analysis to studying the rates of territorial energy intensity increase (the case of macro-regions of the Russian Federation)

  • Lyudmila Y. Bogachkova Volgograd State University
  • Kristina A. Baybakova Volgograd State University
Keywords: index method of factor analysis, decomposition of an indicator increase, energy-economic development, energy intensity of economy, energy efficiency, economic growth, structural factor, nter-regional comparisons, regional economy


Purpose: the article is devoted to the development of tools used for assessing and analyzing the comparative performance of the state energy efficiency policy. Discussion: we propose a method that allows taking into account the influence of technological and structural factors on the dynamics of energy intensity of a region, and not on the dynamics of its energy consumption. This peculiarity increases the relevance of calculation results to the target indicators of strategic planning and distinguishes this research from other studies based on the index method of decomposition. The energy intensity is considered for all energy resources, not only for electricity, which became possible due to the availability of qualitatively new data in the Rosstat database. Results: we have carried out the comparative analysis of energy policy performance of the Russian macro-regions on the basis of differentiated accounting for the influence of technological and structural factors on energy intensity growth rate of these territories. The calculations are based on the Rosstat data for the period of 2012-2017.


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How to Cite
Bogachkova, L. Y., & Baybakova, K. A. (2020). Application of the index method of factor analysis to studying the rates of territorial energy intensity increase (the case of macro-regions of the Russian Federation). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 163-173.
Regional Economics