Global integration of the Islamic banks

  • Ilmir I. Garifullin Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: Islamic banks, Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Islamic win-dows, full-fledged Islamic banks, world finance, history, evolution, integration


Purpose: the article analyzes the global process of integration of Islamic banks, as well as the systematization of the evolution of the Islamic banking sector. Discussion: the article studies the dynamics of global Islamic financial assets for 2012-2018, where Islamic banking is developing rapidly, it also analyses the indicators of global Islamic banking and finance, the distribution of global Islamic financial assets (taking into account Islamic windows), as well as the leading countries in terms of global assets of Islamic banks and total Islamic financial assets for 2018. The gradual development of Islamic banking provides an opportunity to show the unity of the historical process of the banking system and global finance. Results: the article presents the unity of the system of traditional and Islamic banking in global finance. Schematically formed reflection of the development of the global evolution of Islamic banking.


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How to Cite
Garifullin, I. I. (2021). Global integration of the Islamic banks. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 70-79.
Financial Economics