Analysis of the dynamics and structure of industrial production in the Sevastopol using the theory of technological structures

  • Alexey G. Baranov Sevastopol State University
  • Elena P. Garmashova Sevastopol State University
  • Alexander M. Drebot Sevastopol State University
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Mitus Sevastopol State University
  • Margarita Y. Tarabardina Sevastopol State University
Keywords: innovations, technological structure, industry, production structure, region, Sevastopol


Purpose: the article is devoted to the implementation of the technological stages concept for the purpose of assessing the level of technological development of Sevastopol region. The authors collected statistics on the volume of industrial production for the period of 2010-2019, converted data into comparable units and structured it according to technological stages, which made it possible to identify the main changes in structure of the industrial production of the region. Discussion: the analysis of the structure and dynamics of industrial production in Sevastopol showed that during 2010-2019 the share of the III technological stage decreased by 48,79 percentage points from 75,64% to 26,88%. The share of the IV technological stage, on the contrary, increased by 48.19 percentage points from 18,60% to 66,79%. The volume of the V technological stage fluctuated at the level of 7%. Results: in conclusion, the authors give a clear-cut presentation of the factors that had a positive impact on the level of technological development of the region, and the directions for increasing business and innovation activity in the Sevastopol region.


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How to Cite
Baranov, A. G., Garmashova, E. P., Drebot, A. M., Mitus, A. A., & Tarabardina, M. Y. (2021). Analysis of the dynamics and structure of industrial production in the Sevastopol using the theory of technological structures. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 90-103.
Industrial Economics