Industrial specialization and dynamics production in the Central Federal District regions

  • Mikhail V. Makarov Voronezh branch of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov
Keywords: region, industry, industrial development, specialization


Purpose: this article is devoted to analyze the dynamics of industrial production of Central Federal District regions in relation to their specialization. Discussion: the modern economic development of the administrative- territorial formations of the country is characterized by multi-directional processes. On the one hand, the benefits of the division of labor lead to an increase in the specialization of production, including industrial. On the other hand, specialized territorial industrial complexes are more affected by the economic situation, more actively respond to crisis events, which negatively affects the economy of the region as a whole. These linkages should be reflected in the industrial development of the regions. Results: аnalysis of industrial production dynamics in the regions of the Central Federal District for the period from 2007 to 2019 showed that industrial production indices in most regions were of a positive value only for 5-6 years (less than half of the duration of the analyzed period) regardless of the level and dynamics of their specialization. The regions with high and increasing specialization had the longest periods of continuous decline in industrial production (4-5 years). During the world crisis of 2008-2009, the most smooth dynamics of the decline in production and its recovery was characteristic of only three regions: Voronezh, Kursk, Tambov regions (these regions have low levels of specialization throughout the analyzed period). The relationships between levels of specialization and other trends in industrial production development were not identified in the analysis process.


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How to Cite
Makarov, M. V. (2021). Industrial specialization and dynamics production in the Central Federal District regions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 116-128.
Regional Economics