Problems of forming the revenue base of the federal budget and factors of its growth

  • Vladislava A. Moskaleva Sevastopol State University
  • Alexandra S. Torbina Sevastopol Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: federal budget, tax revenues, tax system, non-tax revenues of the federal budget, oil and gas revenues of the Russian Federation, factors of growth of the revenue base of the federal budget


Purpose: in this article, the authors consider the problems of forming the revenue base of the federal budget, taking into account the reserves and growth factors of revenues to the revenue part of the federal budget of the Russian Federation. Discussion: the federal budget, which is the main link of the financial system, the largest financial resource, is the main financial plan of the state, an instrument for implementing the economic policy of the state and should contribute to the socio-economic development of the territories. The need to create a revenue base by attracting tax revenues, which provide the bulk of income, and non-tax revenues is due to the emergence of state costs in the performance of public tasks and functions assigned to it. Results: the paper identifies the factors of the growth of federal budget revenues: an increase in the tax base, that is, a steady GDP growth based on a qualitative transformation of the economy, including the development of manufacturing, light and food industries, an innovative sector with a high share of surplus value, the activation of domestic consumption markets and investment, and the redistribution of which will be carried out by an effective tax system, ensuring a balance between the interests of the state and economic entities and contributing to the achievement of the set socio-economic objectives. Thus, the increase in the revenues of the federal budget of the Russian Federation should be based on the principles of diversification of budget sources and structural transformation of the Russian economy.


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How to Cite
Moskaleva, V. A., & Torbina, A. S. (2021). Problems of forming the revenue base of the federal budget and factors of its growth. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 50-67.
Public Economics