Obstacling the anmonopoly body in conducting inspections: problems and ways of solution with the purpose of decartelizing the Russian economy and forming an effective contract system

  • Hamlet M. Melkumyan Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Voronezh Region, Voronezh State University
Keywords: procurement, bidding, auction, collusion, decartelization, national plan, cartel


Purpose: one of the priorities of the Federal Antimonopoly Service is to identify and suppress cartels in all spheres of the Russian economy. In connection with the unstable economic situation, including the global economic crisis, more and more economic entities are making attempts, in violation of the current legislation, to gain access to budgetary resources and property distributed through public procurement. Discussion: to achieve these goals, organizations enter into cartels and other anti-competitive agreements, which results in economic damage to state interests in the field of national economic security. In order to suppress the illegal actions in question, the antimonopoly body carries out inspections, during which often economic entities impede its implementation in various ways. For such actions, the legislation provides for administrative responsibility. Results: however, the currently existing sanctions in the form of insignificant administrative fines do not allow for effective collection of evidence when conducting investigations of violations of antimonopoly legislation, in connection with which I consider it necessary to consider the issue of their toughening.


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How to Cite
Melkumyan, H. M. (2021). Obstacling the anmonopoly body in conducting inspections: problems and ways of solution with the purpose of decartelizing the Russian economy and forming an effective contract system. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 87-98. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2021.5/2596
Law and Economics