Innovations in human resources in organizations: analysis of technological trends

  • Natalya N. Mitina Voronezh State University
Keywords: innovation-oriented organizational culture, technology devel­opment, opportunities, threats


Purpose: the purpose of our study is to analyze the changes taking place in the external environment, which will directly or indirectly will have or already have a significant impact on the field of human resource management. Discussion: changes in the external environment related to technological factors, such as the spread of high-speed Internet, artificial intelligence, virtual reality technologies, cloud solutions, robotics, biometrics, genomic engineering, entail inevitable adaptive changes in management processes at the micro-level. The success of adaptation largely depends on the innovative orientation of the organizational culture, which determines the level of innovation and creativity of thinking of both managers and staff. It is necessary to carry out analytical work to identify and research technological trends, the potential for their implementation in personnel management processes as organizational and managerial innovations. Results: the article presents new opportunities that could contribute to the development of an organization’s personnel management system, strengthening its competitiveness, as well as threats that must be taken into account when making management decisions.


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How to Cite
Mitina, N. N. (2021). Innovations in human resources in organizations: analysis of technological trends. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 74-82.
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