Advantages of a multi-sided platform for instant purchases and sales in commodity markets

  • Sergey I. Tereshkin OOO «Ojl Resurs Grupp»
  • Aleksander Y. Nefedov OOO «Ojl Resurs Grupp»
  • Vladimir A. Babkin OOO «ORG-Market»
Keywords: oil market, digital economy, digital platforms, information technology commodity markets


Purpose: to determine the advantages of a multi-sided platform for instant buying and selling on commodity markets (hereinafter referred to as a multi-sided platform) over available counterparts in the Russian Federation and abroad, which will allow the developer to offer producers and buyers of oil products a convenient ecosystem of the digital economy for concluding transactions of buying and selling of goods. Discussion: rationale for the benefits of a multi-sided platform in comparison with off-the-shelf solutions that allow the developer to attract new users to use the platform in order to sell oil products on the Russian market. Results: the available advantages of a multi-sided platform for instant purchases and sales in commodity markets were identified. They allow the developer to provide users with a convenient ecosystem for making profitable transactions for the sale of oil products and, in the near future, other raw materials (grain, timber, metal, etc.). The planned work on analytical tools, Big Data, and the implementation of artificial intelligence will make this digital platform almost automated.


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How to Cite
Tereshkin, S. I., Nefedov, A. Y., & Babkin, V. A. (2021). Advantages of a multi-sided platform for instant purchases and sales in commodity markets. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 95-103.
Industrial Economics