Implementation of the R & D demand generation model in industry

  • Olga V. Krasnyanskaya MIREA – Russian Technological University
Keywords: research and development, industry, demand, academic and industry science, implementation, innovation


Purpose: the article is devoted to the disclosure of the main contradiction between the so-called industrial (industry) and academic science from the point of view of ensuring the innovative development of industry, the result of which is a new recommended model for generating demand for research and development (IR) results. Discussion: the existing fundamental differences between the objectives of «pure» (academic) and sectoral science, which consist in a different view of the content of their results, give reason to propose a new model for the formation of demand for R & D in industry. It boils down to the addition of a largely discredited traditional stream of scientific ideas from academic to sectoral science and then to production by the counter flow of demand for research and development, which is really demanded by industry, initiated by units of factory science. Results: the implementation of such an "industrial" model of the organization of scientific and technological development in industry allows us to solve the main problems that impede innovation, as well as reduce the severity of negative circumstances that destabilize its progressive development.


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How to Cite
Krasnyanskaya, O. V. (2021). Implementation of the R & D demand generation model in industry. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 92-106.
Industrial Economics