Private investment in Russia: alternative methods of investment and ways to increase their attrac-tiveness

  • Galina N. Franovskaya Voronezh State University
  • Daria S. Shevtsova Voronezh State University
Keywords: private investment, alternative investment mechanisms, private equity, crowdfunding, measures to stimulate investment inflows


Purpose: to analyze the state of alternative investments in the Russian market, to identify the main problems in the development of this investment area, to formulate proposals to expand the attractiveness of direct investment and crowdfunding based on foreign experience. Discussion: аs a result of the growing popularity of such a financial tool as investment, the current situation in the field of private investment in Russia was reviewed, including the use of few common tools. It was established that at present there is a multiple increase in individuals registered in the Trading System. However, investors' desire to use alternative investment mechanisms is consistently low. In the course of considering the two main types of alternative investment – direct investment and crowdfunding, and comparing Russian practice with foreign practice, there was a significant lag in national practice due to the imperfection of the legal system. Results: Based on the analyzed information on the state of alternative investment referral mechanisms in Russia, measures to increase their popularity and increase their use among retail investors were recommended. The devel- opment of this method of investment will provide an influx of longterm money into the country's economy.


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How to Cite
Franovskaya, G. N., & Shevtsova, D. S. (2021). Private investment in Russia: alternative methods of investment and ways to increase their attrac-tiveness. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 165-174.
Regional Economics