Development of the information and communication market and its influence on the business models of companies and the format of interaction of the population with the public government

  • Viktoriya I. Tinyakova State University of Management
  • Natalia I. Morozova Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) Russian University of Cooperation
Keywords: information technology, information and telecommunications market, digital economy, business model, commercial organizations, public authorities


Purpose: the article aims to analyze the development of the information and communication market and assess its impact on the business models of companies and the format of interaction between the population and public authorities. Discussion: the digitalization of the economy is transforming the daily life of both an individual and the organization as a whole. In the recent past, a pandemic has served as a kind of catalyst for the development of the information and communication technologies market, as a result of which many companies have restructured their work format, thereby increasing the demand for cloud services and digital communication channels. In the future, companies seeking to strengthen their competitive position and maintain financial stability will have to increase the use of information technology. In the current period of time, the process of interaction of public authorities with the population is also undergoing digital transformation due to the development of the concept of e-government, which has a positive effect on the quality of such interaction. Results: the key trends in the development of the information and communication technologies market and the related consequences for doing business and everyday life of a person were identified.


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How to Cite
Tinyakova, V. I., & Morozova, N. I. (2021). Development of the information and communication market and its influence on the business models of companies and the format of interaction of the population with the public government. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 139-148.