Improvement of the tools for managing the region: creating municipal economic zones

  • Andrey V. Polyanin Central Russian Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Vladislav V. Matveev Investment development department of the Department of economic development and investment activity of the Oryol Region
Keywords: investment policy, improvement of the investment climate, support measures, municipal economic zones


Purpose: сreation of a new tool for activating the entrepreneurial community and attracting investment capital to the regional economy in order to create new jobs and fill the regional budget system with tax revenues through the creation of municipal economic zones. Discussion: the assessment of new federal investment development instruments indicates the concentration of modern policy directly on the development of individual territories (free areas, industrial parks, SEZ, TASED) and the localization within their boundaries of large-scale investment projects implemented by large strategic partners. At the same time, such a policy creates an imbalance in the regional economy, on the one hand, in terms of ensuring equal access of business entities to government support measures, and on the other, in terms of creating unequal conditions for municipalities in terms of localizing investment projects. In this regard, the article discusses the possibility of leveling the negative impact of the parameters of the ongoing investment policy by creating a network of new preferential territories - municipal economic zones on the example of the Oryol region.


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How to Cite
Polyanin, A. V., & Matveev, V. V. (2021). Improvement of the tools for managing the region: creating municipal economic zones. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 185-198.
Regional Economics