Content and interrelation of the concepts of sustainable social development, corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility

  • Anastasiya A. Suhareva Voronezh State University
Keywords: responsible business conduct, sustainable development, social responsibility, ecology, sustainability


Purpose: to specify the essence of the concepts of sustainable social development, corporate sustainability, and corporate social responsibility in the main essential aspects. Discussion: in 2015, the UN General Assembly issued the resolution "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", which includes the seventeen Sustainable Social Development Goals as a reference point for all parties supporting the idea of overcoming acute global economic and socio-environmental problems. Various large-scale state, regional, industry, and professional initiatives are being created to implement them. The concepts of corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility are the basis for engaging businesses in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, to date, they are not sufficiently specified in the main essential aspects. Results: the essence of the concepts of sustainable social development, corporate sustainability, and corporate social responsibility in terms of the goals of their application, implementing entities, types of values created by implementing entities, time frames, and types of capital used is revealed; their interrelation and interdependence are shown.


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How to Cite
Suhareva, A. A. (2021). Content and interrelation of the concepts of sustainable social development, corporate sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 158-169.
Economic Development and Growth