Renovation is a source of economic development of regions

  • Maria I. Romanenko Penza state University of architecture and construction
Keywords: ecology, construction industry waste, secondary use, surplus value, risks, logistics


Purpose: substantiation of the expediency of using secondary resources in the production of building materials and products. Discussion: construction waste is becoming a serious environmental problem for many large cities. Industry and renovation of old construction projects are accompanied by the formation of a large amounts of waste, which have an impact on the environment and are a growing public concern. Maintenance of bases, storage and disposal of waste require additional financial costs, which creating a significant burden on the budget of municipalities and regions. Results: the conducted researches are directed of the analysis of secondary use of construction waste both after renovation and obtained in the production of building materials, products. The economic feasibility of re-use of materials on the example of the sanatorium «Cascade», Kislovodsk is analyzed. Measures to support enterprises using materials obtained in the process of renovation in their activities are proposed.


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How to Cite
Romanenko, M. I. (2021). Renovation is a source of economic development of regions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 136-145.
Regional Economics