Analysis of the effectiveness of the current activities of a commercial organization: a combination of formalization and institutionalization tools

  • Valery P. Voronin Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Irina M. Podmolodina Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Elena M. Konovalova Voronezh Branch, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Tatjana I. Maksimova Voronezh Branch, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: methodology, economic analysis, performance, reflexivity


Purpose: the article is devoted to the issues of substantiating the methodology of economic analysis of the effectiveness of the current activities of a commercial organization in the conditions of the cycles of decline and rise of business activity. Discussion: given that the effects of economic globalization and the digitalization of information technologies largely affect the performance of a commercial organization in terms of achieving its intended results, the authors consider it possible to use reflexivity, which has not been sufficiently studied to date as an analytical tool, for its analysis. The authors propose a hypothesis about the complex use of formal modeling tools and the mechanism of reflexivity. Results: the authors, in the development of the theory and methodology of economic analysis, formulated the postulate that it is impossible to accurately judge the biased opinion of participants in the management process without using the main indicators of the results of the economic activity of a commercial organization, which, in turn, are influenced by the biased opinion of the manager itself in the feedback sequence. It is proposed, in this regard, to add the common practice of the formalized approach (modeling), taking into account the behavioral influence on the formation of biased opinions of top managers of the organization, by using analytical tools of self- reinforcing or self-correcting reflexivity, including at the macro level.


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How to Cite
Voronin, V. P., Podmolodina, I. M., Konovalova, E. M., & Maksimova, T. I. (2022). Analysis of the effectiveness of the current activities of a commercial organization: a combination of formalization and institutionalization tools. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 113-125.