Генезис концепций конкуренции в ретроспективе экономической мысли

  • Станислав Михайлович Сотников Voronezh State University
  • Кристина Ишхановна Егиазарян Voronezh State University
Keywords: concept, competition, competitive attitudes, approaches, government regulation, criteria


Purpose: analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the origin and development of competition and competitive relations in the existing concepts of economic thought on this issue. Discussion: we consider the basic provisions of the basic schools and carried out a comparative analysis of approaches to identify the nature of these categories, justified the state's role in the regulation of competition and competitive relations in the functioning of a market economy. Results: the classification of the theories of competition in certain areas and criteria.


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How to Cite
Сотников, С. М., & Егиазарян, К. И. (2016). Генезис концепций конкуренции в ретроспективе экономической мысли. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 8-19. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2016.9/1500
General Economics