Современное состояние потребительского кредитования: основные проблемы и перспективы их решения
Purpose: research of the mechanism consumer credit, identifying the problems encountered in its organization. Discussion: in crisis the banking sector faced with the problem of increased cost of consumer credit product and a reduced quality of consumer credit portfolio, resulting in an increase in credit risk and reducing the reliability of commercial banks. The main problem is the growth of overdue debts of the borrower due to the deterioration of well-being, or the loss of income. Also, when issuing consumer loans found "pitfalls" in the form of unauthorized imposition of life insurance for large credit. The bank and the insurance company pursue its goals: getting high profits and reduce risk of overdue loans from the bank and receive additional insurance policies to ensure high competitiveness. Results: the authors suggest different methods of solving the problems to improve the efficiency and reliability of banking activity. Applying these methods, a commercial bank can reduce the credit risk, and ensure repayment of most of the arrears, which will ultimately lead to an increase in the profitability of the bank.