Анализ моделей формирования кластерной политики в регионе

  • Ольга Николаевна Романова Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
  • Галина Викторовна Голикова Voronezh State University
  • Виктория Анатольевна Титарева Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: cluster, cluster policy, strategic development


Purpose The work is devoted to formation of the cluster policy, which has a huge impact on the strategic development of the region. Discussion: the assumption is that in the majority of Russian regions do not fully use the world experience of creation and development of clusters, it may be due to the low interest of socio-economic systems and insufficient knowledge in the field of strategic development of cluster policy. Results: the Proposed direction of development of the Central Federal district and its individual regions with the aim of development of cluster policy in Russia.


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How to Cite
Романова, О. Н., Голикова, Г. В., & Титарева, В. А. (2016). Анализ моделей формирования кластерной политики в регионе. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 167-174. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2016.10/1531
Regional Economics