Systematization of data for the assessment of financial stability of the University

  • Юлия Александровна Салямина Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Keywords: Systematization of data, financial position of the University, financial stability, financial sustainability indicators, life cycle stages, indicators of efficiency of activity of higher educational institutions


Purpose: Forecasting, planning, analysis and evaluation - all of these processes require data to be presented in the best shape. This article proposes a systematization of indicators to optimize student assessment of financial stability.
Discussion: Any changes are reflected in the activities of any organization that falls under their influence. Such situations need not only to analyze and assess after the fact, but also as far as possible in a preliminary forecast. Today the market of educational services is an environment experiencing a period of transformation, which requires major universities work towards preparation for possible changes. At this point in the field of education there is a serious competition, and there is a careful selection of the most efficient universities. All this creates the need for timely analysis and objective assessment allowing building optimal forecast based on the current situation. Since financial stability in market conditions is one of the main criteria for a competitive advantage, consider the process of assessment in more detail.
Results: In order to optimize data processing and evaluation of the financial situation of the university proposed a variant of systematization of data


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How to Cite
Салямина, Ю. А. (2017). Systematization of data for the assessment of financial stability of the University. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12.
Financial Economics