Criticism of hypothesis of changing from a random process with independent outcomes to directed process

  • Леонид Петрович Яновский
  • Илья Михайлович Боровиков
Keywords: random process, directed process, strategy, mathematical expectation, profit, financial market, capital formation, Hurst's index


Evidence showing the failure of the G.R. Ivanitskiy's hypothesis, about the probability of a random process with independent outcomes and zero expectation directed to a process (with non-zero expectation) by using a strategy of a game based on a process with two random, equiprobable, independent outcomes, including management of interest rate depending on the results of previous drawings is presented.


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How to Cite
Яновский, Л. П., & Боровиков, И. М. (2015). Criticism of hypothesis of changing from a random process with independent outcomes to directed process. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 233-242. Retrieved from