Modern model of estimation of risk of investment in agrarian sphere

  • Александр Владимирович Агибалов
  • Людмила Анатольевна Запорожцева
  • Андрей Николаевич Гончаров
Keywords: risk of investment, agriculture, matrix model, enterprise


In article the author's technique of the express estimations of risk of investment in the agrarian sphere, based on calculation of indicators of the matrix model characterizing complex change of level of financial stability of the enterprises, for a condition is offered: the above level of financial stability at positive dynamics of its change, the more low risk of non-receipt of the income as a result of investment and on the contrary.



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How to Cite
Агибалов, А. В., Запорожцева, Л. А., & Гончаров, А. Н. (2015). Modern model of estimation of risk of investment in agrarian sphere. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 23-33. Retrieved from