Features of Formation Marketing Mechanism Management Risks the Enterprises of Investment Building Complex.

  • Борис Борисович Хрусталев
  • Ангелина Александровна Моисеева
Keywords: market economy, construction manufacture, risk, loss, commodity manufacture, consumer, marketing mechanism


In the article the role of a commodity manufacture and a consumer of finished manufactures in modern clauses of market economy is examined; the specific features of construction and features of formation main kind of losses in the procedure of construction manufacture are considered; the necessity of application in the practice of marketing mechanism management risk of construction enterprises is justified and coherence of development phases is described.



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How to Cite
Хрусталев, Б. Б., & Моисеева, А. А. (2015). Features of Formation Marketing Mechanism Management Risks the Enterprises of Investment Building Complex. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 188-198. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/7681