Improvement of Methodical Bases of Process Management by Competitiveness of Business Structure

  • Анна Михайловна Варфоломеева
Keywords: competitiveness, process management, business structure, process model, assessment


Management of competitiveness – an important condition of successful functioning of business structure. In article preference of application of process management by competitiveness of business structure in the conditions of globalization is proved, advantages of this method of management are revealed. The importance of an assessment of competitiveness of business structure as one of the main stages of management is proved by it, and also the author's technique of an assessment of competitiveness of business structure is considered.


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How to Cite
Варфоломеева, А. М. (2015). Improvement of Methodical Bases of Process Management by Competitiveness of Business Structure. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 93-98. Retrieved from