Density Clustering with a Combined Distance as a Tool for the Analysis of Urban Environment

  • Алексей Юрьевич Митрофанов
  • Алексей Раисович Файзлиев
Keywords: exploratory data analysis, clustering, spatial data, density, smoothing, correlation ratio, Shannon entropy, statistical package R


A new method for clustering spatial data, based on distance, generalizing the difference density of the distribution of the quantitative trait and spatial distance is offered. Two methods to select the best number of clusters are considered, one of which is based on the nonparametric density estimation and correlation ratio. As an illustration a comparison of the results of cluster polarization of data for Saratov in 2006-2007; algorithm is realized as a set of functions for the statistical package R, available on request to the authors.


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How to Cite
Митрофанов, А. Ю., & Файзлиев, А. Р. (2015). Density Clustering with a Combined Distance as a Tool for the Analysis of Urban Environment. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 178-190. Retrieved from