Raising of energy efficiency in the context of the Russia’s joining the wto: the problem, inter-regional comparisons, ways of the decision

  • Олег Васильевич Иншаков
  • Людмила Юрьевна Богачкова
  • Ольга Степановна Олейник
Keywords: policy of energy efficiency, regional economy, south of Russia, Russia's joining the WTO


The role of energy efficiency as imperative of competitiveness of economy in conditions of the Russia's membership in WTO is shown. Difficulties of reduction of power consumption for national economy are characterized. The cross-regional statistical analysis of the generalized parameters of a state of economy and of energy efficiency in a cut of federal districts and regions of the South of Russia is carried out. Ways for the decision of a problem of the energy efficiency increase are outlined.


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How to Cite
Иншаков, О. В., Богачкова, Л. Ю., & Олейник, О. С. (2015). Raising of energy efficiency in the context of the Russia’s joining the wto: the problem, inter-regional comparisons, ways of the decision. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 17-32. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/7803