Institutional factors of formation of the state corporations in modern Russian economy

  • Владимир Викторович Курченков
  • Татьяна Николаевна Калмыкова
Keywords: state corporations, institutional status of firm and enterprise, intercompany integration, external and internal transaction, structure of a market exchange, strategy of integration growth of the state corporation


In the article institutional conditions and the factors causing interrelation process of formation and integration transformation of the state corporations in modern Russian economyare revealed. Classification of the state corporations by extent of the state participation and positioning level in the market is carried out. Distinction of concepts of firm and the enterprise in relation to institute of the state corporation is specified. It is proved that the integration growth of the state corporations is connected not only with internment of external transaction of a market exchange in internal, but also with their system transformation, change of their structure and scales.


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How to Cite
Курченков, В. В., & Калмыкова, Т. Н. (2015). Institutional factors of formation of the state corporations in modern Russian economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 37-45. Retrieved from