The role of investments in economical development of regions in Central Federal District of Russia

  • Светлана Николаевна Растворцева
  • Светлана Анатольевна Кравченко
Keywords: investment in fixed assets in the region, foreign investments, regional investment potential


The article describes the role of investment in the regional economy. Authors divided Central Federal District Different regions into three groups - industrial, commercial and agricultural - for each group authors analyzed such indicators dynamics as return on assets ratio of fixed capital, capital-region, share of investment in fixed assets in GRP and the volume of foreign direct investment per capita. The impact of investment factors on economic performance model was built for the regions.


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How to Cite
Растворцева, С. Н., & Кравченко, С. А. (2015). The role of investments in economical development of regions in Central Federal District of Russia. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 33-37. Retrieved from