Effectivization company's management team on the basis of the principles of TQM

  • Иван Михайлович Кузьмичев
Keywords: management, enterprise, quality management


In this article the analysis of efficiency of management of the enterprises is made and the conclusion is drawn that in a scientific turn now there is no uniform approach to an assessment of productivity and efficiency of management, lack of an effective regulation of the contents and an order of an assessment of productivity and efficiency. According to GOST ISO 9000-2011 fundamental instruments of ensuring continuous improvement of activity of the industrial enterprise are eight principles of management developed for use by the top management: orientation to the consumer; leadership of the head; involvement of workers; system approach to management; process approach; continuous improvement; decision-making,supported by the facts; mutually advantageous relations with suppliers. As the subject of management this approach considers the enterprise management, and as manager_mepsistrative instruments of impact on the personnel the principles of quality management serve.


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How to Cite
Кузьмичев, И. М. (2015). Effectivization company’s management team on the basis of the principles of TQM. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 115-121. Retrieved from https://journals.vsu.ru/meps/article/view/7938