Assessment of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises

  • Евгений Александрович Докучаев
  • Павел Вячеславович Порывкин
  • Олег Иванович Кузнецов
Keywords: innovative activity, economic efficiency, management methods, organizational transformation, industrial enterprise


In the article problems of an assessment economic efficiency of organizational transformations the industrial enterprises are considered. Economic efficiency of economic activity is an optimum ratio between result and enterprise expenses.The main question of the analysis of efficiency of transformations of the industrial enterprise is definition of signson the basis of which the assessment, that is finding criteria of economic efficiency, their systematization and ranging is made. Organizational transformation of industrial enterprises in general are aimed at improving the efficiency of its operations and, therefore, as the performance criteria must be used until - indicators of enterprise efficiency.


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How to Cite
Докучаев, Е. А., Порывкин, П. В., & Кузнецов, О. И. (2015). Assessment of innovative activity of the industrial enterprises. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 133-139. Retrieved from