Organizational innovations at the industrial enterprises

  • Евгений Александрович Докучаев
  • Павел Вячеславович Порывкин
  • Олег Иванович Кузнецов
Keywords: organizational innovations, competitiveness, industrial enterprise


Definition of organizational transformations of the industrial enterprises is presented in article. Organizational transformations (changes) of the industrial enterprise is a process of purposeful transfer of the enterprise as a whole or its any significant element in the new qualitative condition, being accompanied growth (reduction) of economic indicators of efficiency. Object of any transformations is the enterprise, namely its organizational and legal form, organizational structure and the personnel, technologies, production, means of production, cultural values. Organizational transformations as the highly effective market instrument of increase of competitiveness draw attention of the enterprises and the organizations of various industries; they have to be no single action or the next campaign, and to represent continuous process of realization of new tasks and activities.


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How to Cite
Докучаев, Е. А., Порывкин, П. В., & Кузнецов, О. И. (2015). Organizational innovations at the industrial enterprises. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 125-132. Retrieved from