• E. V. Shestakova
Keywords: integrated mechanism, self-organization, self-developing system, elements, structure, social and economic system, dynamic equilibrium, bifurcation


Representation of the enterprise as a self-sustaining socio-economic system in the context of modern economics requires the development of new mechanisms and management tools. This paper describes the integrated mechanism of the industrial enterprise self-organization. The complexity of the processes of self-organization causes integration of the individual types of mechanisms that differ in the method of creating uniformity of elements, their complexity, strategic focus, target orientation and management functions. The integrated mechanism of enterprise selforganization is a multilevel system of interrelated mechanisms (institutional, economic, informational, motivational ones), differentiated by elements. The main attention is paid to the characteristics of components and the organizational mechanism of enterprise self-development, i.e. subjects, objects, controls, objectives, principles, methods, tools and resources. Based on the study of self-organization in socio-economic systems the peculiarities of institutional mechanism implementation at the stage of dynamic equilibrium and bifurcation have been determined and revealed. The selection of forming, supporting and regulatory components of the organizational mechanism has been substantiated. The role of formative elements is performed by the heterarchical organizational structure, whereas the role of supporting elements - by organizational culture of organic type. Methods, principles and techniques of organizational impact reflect the regulatory nature of the processes of self-organization. Finally, the problem of content for economic, motivational and data mechanisms of industrial enterprise self-development has been raised.


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How to Cite
Shestakova, E. V. (2015). ORGANIZATIONAL MECHANISM OF ENTERPRISE SELF-DEVELOPMENT. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 71-80. Retrieved from