Algorithm for using matrix reception in complex economic analysis

  • Надежда Викторовна Кондрашова Voronezh State University
Keywords: complex assessment, matrix technique, sequence of analysis, performance indicators, integral indicator


Purpose: the article aims to describe the sequence of a comprehensive assessment of the organization; the basis of a comprehensive assessment is a matrix form of construction of analytical indicators. Discussion: according to the methodological principle of economic analysis – the complexity of the analysis, the article describes the content of a comprehensive assessment of the organization: the concept, objects and directions; the procedure of a comprehensive assessment. The author emphasizes that the orientation of the integrated assessment of the organization is determined by the interests of different users. Therefore, the analyst varies the composition of the tools and indicators used. Results: the article presents the algorithm of complex estimation with examples of construction of analytical indicators, factor models of various levels of subordination on the basis of the matrix form, gives the review of methodological support of the integral indicator construction. The resulting set of indicators meets the requirements of systematic and complex economic analysis.


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How to Cite
Кондрашова, Н. В. (2020). Algorithm for using matrix reception in complex economic analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 87-96.