Evaluation of existing approaches to analysis of financial results of a trade organization

  • Лариса Сергеевна Коробейникова Voronezh State University
  • Артем Евгеньевич Степанищев Voronezh State University
Keywords: financial results, sales revenue, economic analysis, sales profitability, profit or loss


Purpose: on the basis of clarifying the economic nature and types of financial results of the organization, conduct a systematization of existing approaches to organizing analysis of financial results of the activities of trade organizations, which will highlight the main areas of analytical work taking into account the specifics of the activities of trade organizations, systematize various approaches to its implementation. Discussion: the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity is determined by the achievement of the final financial result, which is the result of the economic entity and the risks taken for the period under review. Therefore, the achievement of financial results, as key factors influencing the financial condition, sustainable economic development and solvency of an organization, requires competent economic analysis. Using the economic analysis of financial results, development trends are studied, factors that influence the quality of sales and the level of efficiency of trading activities are investigated. Results: summarized the key differences between the analysis of the financial results of the activities of trade organizations from traditional areas that allow economic analysis of income and expenses in the areas of wholesale and retail trade, substantiate the features of margin analysis in wholesale and retail trade, highlight the factors of sales, assortment, prices and costs that determine the level of achievement of financial results of the activities of trade organizations.


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How to Cite
Коробейникова, Л. С., & Степанищев, А. Е. (2020). Evaluation of existing approaches to analysis of financial results of a trade organization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 97-108. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.1/421