Clustering of Russian regions according to indicators of socio-economic development

  • Анжела Александровна Швецова Belgorod National Research University
Keywords: subjects of the Russian Federation, socio-economic de­vel­opment, cluster analysis, indicators of socio-economic and environmental sustainability


Purpose: clustering the regions of Russia according to the indicators of socio-economic and environmental sustainability in order to identify the particular state and development of the regions of the country. Discussion: the development of the subjects of the Russian are important for the country. That`s why, the author decided to group objects into homogeneous groups on similar grounds, to identify and summarize the features of the situation of the subjects of Russia, to assess the trends in the development of groups of regions in the period 2012-2016. Results: socio-economic stability of the regions was assessed by seven indicators characterizing the level of development of the subjects of the Federation, environmental sustainability – by six indicators. The author performed cluster analysis by k-means method in Statistica software product. Analysis of the results showed that the most regions of Russia are not at the same time socio- economically and environmentally sustainable.


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How to Cite
Швецова , А. А. (2020). Clustering of Russian regions according to indicators of socio-economic development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 19-27.
Mathematical Methods in Economics