Reforming the production system to preserve the potential of the defense enterprise

  • Оксана Евгеньевна Гудкова Ryazan state radio engineering University
Keywords: management subsystem, social subsystem, business model, diversification, insolvency


Purpose: the article is devoted to the study of ways to preserve the potential of defense enterprises in conditions of reduction of the state defense order. Discussion: based on the analysis of the reasons for the insolvency of defense enterprises, it is established that they are based on the conservative non-market nature of production subsystems formed during the arms race. For their modernization, there are many domestic and foreign progressive solutions, which, however, are being implemented slowly and haphazardly. This is due to the lack of a comprehensive approach to reform, which also affects the management subsystem and the social subsystem of the enterprise. To overcome this contradiction, it is possible to use the methodological apparatus of the business modeling concept, which considers the enterprise in the unity of these three subsystems aimed at creating and delivering value to the consumer. Results: using the example of a radio electronics enterprise, it is shown how modern principles of reforming the production subsystem can be implemented in conjunction with the transformation of its business model by entering the enterprise into a special economic zone of a technical and integration type as an anchor enterprise.


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How to Cite
Гудкова, О. Е. (2020). Reforming the production system to preserve the potential of the defense enterprise. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 77-92.
Industrial Economics