Sustainable development of industrial systems – analysis of theoretical approaches

  • Николай Иванович Стрих Surgut State University
  • Александр Александрович Гардт Surgut State University
  • Максим Олегович Гладких Voronezh State University
Keywords: sustainable development, region, industrial system


Purpose: to develop theoretical approaches based on existing approaches that define the categorical basis of stability and sustainable development of industrial systems. Discussion: in the process of studying the sustainability of industrial systems of various levels, theoretical and methodological approaches are used aimed at: distinguishing between the concepts of "sustainability" and "sustainable development"; development of a categorical apparatus characterizing these phenomena; Identification of sustainable development factors; Quantification of sustainability, sustainable development and their drivers. Results: а theoretical and methodological study has shown that the management of sustainable development of industrial systems at various levels requires consideration of the provisions presented in this article: consideration of the vectors of sustainability and sustainable development by qualitative and quantitative criteria; the use of a systemic typology allowing them to be viewed at different levels of complexity; assessment of development stability from the point of view of control system target.


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How to Cite
Стрих, Н. И., Гардт, А. А., & Гладких, М. О. (2020). Sustainable development of industrial systems – analysis of theoretical approaches. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 93-103.
Industrial Economics