Modern agricultural aspects of the country's food security

  • Ольга Генсановна Чарыкова Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»
  • Юлия Владимировна Наролина Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»
  • Елена Викторовна Сальникова Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»
  • Марина Евгеньевна Отинова Research Institute of Economics and Organization of Agro-Industrial Complex of Central Black Earth Region – branch of Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution «Voronezh Federal Agricultural Scientific Centre named after V.V. Dokuchaev»
Keywords: food supply, food consumption, agricultural production, food security, food accessibility criteria


Purpose: to study the food supply of Russia, the development of measures to improve state policies in the field of food security. Discussion: the article shows the essential provisions of food security and its substantial characteristics. The current trends and the level of food security of the Russian Federation are determined. These are characterized by the achievement of the established criteria (with the exception of milk and dairy products, greengrocery), the general agricultural production expansion (with the simultaneous swing in production in particular years), and the decrease in imports of certain food products and the imports content of consumption, the increased consumption and the achievement of rational standards for such foods as grain, vegetable oil, potato, sugar. Results: the priority guidelines for improving the country’s food security, concerning food accessibility for all groups of the population, agricultural production, quality assurance and food products liability, the improvement of organization and management of food security, ensuring the need for the development of the organic agriculture, are substantiated. The proposals presented in the study can be used to develop the State Strategy of ensuring the national security.


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How to Cite
Чарыкова, О. Г., Наролина, Ю. В., Сальникова, Е. В., & Отинова, М. Е. (2020). Modern agricultural aspects of the country’s food security. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 127-137.
Agricultural Economics