Financial support features of the Kazakhstan healthcare sector in the new conditions

  • Рахила Умирзаковна Рахметова «Turan-Astana» University
  • Айгуль Аралбаевна Нурпеисова «Turan-Astana» University
  • Регина Эрнстовна Андекина «Turan-Astana» University
Keywords: financing, financial support, health care, budget financing, social sphere, health care expenses


Purpose: the authors analyze the share ratio of costs by functional distribution in the total volume of social expenditures for the period 2013-2019 in the country. The authors summarize the stages of financial support for the health care system in the Kazakhstan Republic. The revealed trend of annual growth dynamics for budget expenditures on the health care system provision in Kazakhstan testifies to the existing budget model of omestic health care financing. Also the authors considere the mechanism of program-target financing for Kazakhstan health care. Discussion: the authors showed that the methods of budget provision for quality medicine in Kazakhstan in the new conditions allow to obtain the following effects: three-year budget planning introduces the method of «results management»; more effectively management budget funds; determination the responsibility for achieving the results of the program; achievement of indicators and standards. Results: the authors concluded that in the budgetary financial supply conditions of the domestic health care system it is necessary to effectively manage public funds.


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How to Cite
Рахметова, Р. У., Нурпеисова, А. А., & Андекина, Р. Э. (2020). Financial support features of the Kazakhstan healthcare sector in the new conditions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 132-141.
Financial Economics